Connecting with the Consumer

Connecting with Consumers: is all about reaching the right people at the right time in the right way
The stronger the connection, the better the result of advertising activity
But in reality Media fragmentation created a clutter, plethora of consumer choices and selection, forcing media and advertiser to work harder than ever to reach target audience effectively
As a result they adapted more scientific way of reaching the TG by engaging him/her in their activity
Engagement therefore is an essential component of all campaigns
What is Engagement?
In its simplest form, engagement is: “Making a connection between brand and consumer”
The Engagement Triangle: A Three-way relationship
Brand: Consumer: Media
How Does One Enter An Engagement?
  1. Understand the consumer!
  1. Get Insights
  1. Create communication “The Big idea”
  1. Reach consumer
At the right time
In the right place
In the right way
  1. When THEY are receptive to receiving it
But it’s not so simple
1. Most consumers aren’t looking for ‘engagement’ with most brands anyway: While brands want more engagement with consumers, most brands play just a small part in consumer’s lives and one small component of a larger solution
2. And Also the Audience Have Taken Control of Media
Developments in technology mean more editorial control than ever for consumers: VoD, EPG, PVR, iPod….
We can now edit broadcast media and tailor it to our own individual taste: Like a magazine
Consumer Generated Content (blogging, online communities) where consumers have their say about media and brands….
Which Means…
Media Proliferation Which leads to à Pick “n” Mix Discrimination à Which in turn leads to à Personalisation
But Achieving It through Conventional Marketing Is Difficult
Mainly Because…
1) Media Explosion has changed The Media Landscape
2) As A Result the age old model of AIDA doesn’t work since the thinking process in not linear anymore. If there are 10 things that motivate one to buy there are 15 others that discourage
3) Blanket Advertising is not effective anymore like in the Ramayana Days. As there are many who don’t want to watch it and would look for more interesting options. Hence, instead of reaching them through conventional mediums we should look at various touch points where you can engage him.
4) There is a need for new ways to cut through the clutter to engage consumers
Creating brand Awareness
Creating Brand Demand
One Way Communication Brand à Consumer
Push Strategy
Push & Pull Strategy
Major Mass Media
Any Consumer Touch Point
Media Centric
Consumer Centric
5) And most importantly change the way we determine effectiveness of media From Opportunity to see (OTS) to opportunity to engage (OTE)


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