Politics & Changing Relevance

AAP, a new kid on the block stunned everyone around with a quick success. There's lot's to learn from this movement and I am sure books are written around this one incredible instance that took place in the Great Indian Democracy....
I being a student of Advertising, has a different take on this. How the "Relevance Changes" and impacts the following... However, there's a hypothesis that is key and the premise for this argument. Political views were largely influenced by the family patriarchal in India. I mean remember Grand Fathers talking about the freedom movements and "Gandhi" and "Nehru" and the stories of sacrifices around, it influenced my Dad's generation. A generation that strongly believed in Congress. Congress = nation and that's it. The came the period of 70's when my dad's generation would talk about the Indira's atrocities and how she played with power... That changed the view and it seeded the "Revolutionary" view or rather the Anti congress view.... And it resulted in the following for the Janta party. Then came the generation of "religion" and "fanaticism" post mandal, the rise of insecurity and Identity... That's when came the big Hindu & Muslim divide and came the rise of BJP. However, for our generation things were different. We were more "the arm chair activists". More "Disconnected from the families" and "More connected through SNS"... The issues are driven by Media and the hoopla around influences the minds of the the young people. Hence AAP which talked about issues which were more aligned with the "Arm Chair Activists Views" Clicked and resulted into a winning party.

Congress: From Freedom of India to National party of India
Janta Party: Freedom from Corrupt Politics
Various Janta parties: Caste Politics & Confusion
Bhartiya Janta Party: Party of the Hindu Nationalists
AAP...: The party of the Arm Chair Activists 



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